It’s a well-known fact that nothing in this world lasts forever (other than Twinkies), and this pertains to your technology more than perhaps anything else. The same solutions that you’ve been working with for years will also need regular updates and improvements in order to stay relevant to your organization.
k_Street Consulting, LLC Blog
In order for an organization to maintain operations, a strong network that’s capable of handling internal traffic is necessary. These networks handle the deployment and access of mission-critical data, applications, and other important tasks that businesses depend on. Sometimes, however, a business can push their network too hard, which can have a profound effect on its functionality, and an even greater effect on that organization’s ability to continue operations.
When something goes wrong at the workplace, it could be for any number of reasons - power failure, system crashes, or even malicious software. But, before you go and assume that the problem is irreparable, check your cables for any abnormalities. Even the slightest cabling issue can cause big problems for your company's entire network.