k_Street Consulting, LLC Blog
Cloud-Based Backup and Recovery Works
The cloud is one of the best modern technologies that a business can use to its advantage, but nowhere is it as important as it is for data backup and disaster recovery. How does your business ensure that its data remains redundant and secure from situations outside of your control? We know of one way that you can take back control of your business’s future, and that’s with a cloud-based backup and disaster recovery solution, also known as BDR.
The cloud is one of the best modern technologies that a business can use to its advantage, but nowhere is it as important as it is for data backup and disaster recovery. How does your business ensure that its data remains redundant and secure from situations outside of your control? We know of one way that you can take back control of your business’s future, and that’s with a cloud-based backup and disaster recovery solution, also known as BDR.
Before the cloud, businesses had to rely on the manual task of backing up their data on tape. Data storage tapes were the primary mode of keeping data safe in the event of a disaster. However, tape is outdated and much less convenient for a business that has their “eye on the prize,” so to speak. Tape backup requires that your employees set the backups manually every single day, and since the backup uses so many resources, you can only take one backup every single day during off-hours.
Since an employee needs to initiate the backup at the end of the day, there’s always the risk of it not being set, or not deploying it correctly in the event of a data loss event. User risk is one of the many variables that you don’t want to worry about when your business’ future is on the line. Even in the best-case scenario with tape backups, you’re only backing up data once a day, which means that you could lose up to an entire 24 hours' worth of data in seconds. We’ve all had the insanely productive days where a considerable amount is accomplished, so consider how much this worst-case scenario could cost you.
Unlike tape backup, a cloud-based data backup solution delivers a quick and efficient process for recovering any data lost during a disaster. You don’t have to rely on your employees initiating the process, either, as BDR provides an automated way to accomplish the goal. Since it doesn’t depend on a manual setup, you’ll be more likely to recover following a disaster.
Furthermore, cloud-based BDR makes it much easier to recover data--mostly because you can take much more comprehensive backups. Snapshot-based backup like BDR lets your business take backups as often as every fifteen minutes, which significantly reduces the amount of data that’s lost in the event of a disaster. Backups are only taken of files that have been changed since the last time a backup was taken, so at the most you lose fifteen minutes worth of data--a considerable improvement over 24 hours, to be sure.
Finally, cloud BDR offers a faster way to recover from a disaster. Tape backups can take as long as several hours of downtime before they are properly restored. However, cloud-based BDR can make it happen almost immediately. You can restore data directly to your BDR device rather than wait for a replacement server, if need be.
Don’t waste any more time and resources on data loss disasters. To learn more about BDR, reach out to us at (202) 640-2737.